A Twist on Sixes

Build fast moving lacrosse skills with set limitations.

Description of Drill: Split the field in two at the midline. 

There are a total of 8 players on a team: 4v4 on one side of the midline, and 4v4 on the opposite side of the midline. If the goalie makes a save she must clear it to one of the defensive players.  The defensive player must then clear it over to her offensive teammate on the opposite side of the field, without crossing midfield. If there is a goal, the goalie will still then clear it to her defensive player.  The offense has the ability to pressure the clear in both cases. 

Equipment Needed: 2 lacrosse goals, balls

Skills Emphasized: Communication is key for both offense and defense.

Offense: spacing, shooting, challenging, finishing, re-defending, and cutting back/timing for the clear. 

Defense:  making contact with a player, help defense/sliding, and quick decision-making in the clear.

Coaching Points of Emphasis: Effective ball movement in the clear, on-ball contact on the ride, transition defense in the zone.

Diagram of Drill: