Pump Fakes

It's a skill-focused offensive drill that ends with a shot on goal.

Description of Drill:  To start the drill, a line of feeders and balls will be set up above the 15m (12m).  The feeder will pass to A (left hand up) running onto the ball. The player will attack the first cone, back up to create space (keeping head up, in triple threat), and then quickly switch to the right hand to β€œbeat” the defender. The player runs to the double cones, dodges to her left, and quickly pulls her stick back to pump fake at the yellow cone (the single cone is simulating a defender in shooting space).  After the fake, the player gets by the single cone and gets a shot off, aiming for corners.

Equipment Needed: Cage, cones, and balls.

Skills Emphasized: Quick, smooth stick work in small spaces, dodging, and placement of shots out of a dodge.

Coaching Points of Emphasis: This drill focuses on attackers' fast stickwork while dodging and being able to control their sticks and bodies in tight spaces through the 8-meter.  As the player dodges the second set of cones, the key is for the attacker to keep their heads up for the pump fake at the yellow cone (a single cone is simulating a defender in shooting space). The players should be able to quickly fake and finish their shots by finding corners in the cage, no further than the middle of the CSA.

Diagram of Drill: