Diamond Passing 2.0

A midfield transition version of Diamond Passing.

Description of Drill: This drill works on multiple kinds of passes in the same continuous stick work drill. We shifted this popular passing drill into a midfield transition passing drill.

  • Balls start at the 30, passing using their left hand to the outside person on the 50, cutting to the ball. The outside player catches with their right hand and turns upfield without switching hands to hit the player from the center cutting out and up. The Inside player catches on the move with their right hand, switches hands, and passes to the next person at the 30. The player on the 30 catches with her right hand and then switches in front and then sends the pass with her left to the person on the 50.

  • Switch the direction to change all the catching and throwing to the opposite hands.  

  • You can also add a β€œdefender” between the inside catch and the pass to the 30 to make that player dodge before she passes.


Equipment Needed: Balls and cones

Skills Emphasized: Passing, catching, switching hands when appropriate, moving the ball quickly, dodging.

Diagram of Drill: