Draw Teams

A competitive drill for practicing full-field draws.

Description of Drill: Split the team into three even groups.  Goalies will be split at each end of the field.  The drill starts with 7v7 set up for a draw control between two of the groups.  Each team is trying to win the draw and score.  The object is to be the team with the most points:

  • 1 point is awarded for winning the draw

  • 1 point is awarded for scoring

  • 1 point is awarded for a defensive clear to midfield

Use a 30 second shot clock for each possession.  Once a team has scored or a defensive clear has been made, the team that initially won the draw will stay on the field and face the new team coming in.  Take ten draws total. Put something tangible on the line such as burpees, sprints, etc.  The team with the most points after ten draws gets out of the burpees or sprints.

Equipment Needed:   2 goals, balls

Skills Emphasized:  Draw Controls, Fast Break Offense/Defense, Conditioning, Communication.

Coaching Points of Emphasis: Quick release after winning possession.  Get ahead of the ball for fast break opportunity.  Defensive communication and stopping fast break.  Executing with shot clock running out. Taking care of the ball on a clear.  Riding hard to prevent clear to midfield.  Sprint to set up the next draw (hidden conditioning).

Diagram of Drill: