The Precision Clear Drill

A goalie clear drill to encourage movement and precision.

Description of Drill:  In this drill, the goalie starts with the ball.  There will be a player to the goalies left along the GLE outside the 12.  That player will first cut up the field with her stick positioned up-field, in her left.  Once she receives a pass, she’ll pass back to the goalie.  She’ll then cut to the goalie and receive a pass with her stick down-field, in her right hand.  She’ll then pass back to the goalie.  Third, she’ll break away from the goalie at an angle with her stick up-field on her left.  Once she receives a pass from the goalie, she’ll pass right back to the goalie.  Lastly, she’ll cut back towards GLE with her stick down-field in her left.

As you see in the diagram, the movement of the player is in an “M” shape.  Once all the players have gone through the line going from left to right, you’ll do the same drill coming back right to left.  Also, you can add in a soft defender.

Skills Emphasized: Stick positioning while on a clear and where the goalie tries to place the ball while passing.

Coaching Points of Emphasis:  For the receiver, the drill is great for emphasizing where she places her stick for the goalie to target the pass.  Cutting away from the goalie, she’ll want to have her stick in tight, off of her shoulder, stimulating a defender right on her tail.

For the goalie, this emphasizes ball placement and pass arch.  She’ll want to lead the receiver cutting away and with a little more loft on the pass.  Conversely the goalie would want to throw a harder pass and tighter to the body when the receiver is cuting to her.

Diagram of Drill: