Pass Left

A passing drill with anticipation, stickwork, communication, and timing.

Description of Drill: All players will begin standing at the draw circle at the center of the field. Players will make four lines across from one another, forming an X when facing each other around the circle. The drill is set up in a shuttle format. The first player will receive a ball and pass to the shuttle line to the left of them. This player will catch and quickly pass off to the line across from her. The ball will then be passed to the left, then across, and so on.

The drill may be simulated in a “build-up” fashion, beginning with one ball and progressing to two, adding in defense when ready, etc. The drill also may be manipulated in terms of stickwork. For example, they may move through their passing with all quick sticks, off-shoulder catching, behind-the-back passes, bounce passes, ground balls, different cradles, etc.

*All passes must take place inside the center circle.

Equipment Needed: 2-3 balls

Skills Emphasized: Stickwork, change of speed, communication

Coaching Points of Emphasis:   

  • The ball should be in and out of our sticks in one cradle or less

  • If the ball drops, we back our teammates up and work to get it back into our sticks

  • Protecting our cradle, work to keep tight in our sphere

  • “Punching” the opposite should in each cradle

  • Talking and listening to our teammates through the chaos

Diagram of Drill: